
audiovisuelle Werke // audiovisual works...(auswahl / selection)

Two Minutes There

Two examples // a project at the abk e.V.


19.11.2024 // Galerie am schwarzen Meer
28205 Bremen

Project playlist: abk YouTube

DIALOG 22 02 20 22

Stipend Neustart Kultur / Musikfonds

Audiovisual work in collaboration


22.11.2022 // YouTube // Vimeo

Audiovisual dialogue between Alexander Derben and Reinhart Hammerschmidt. A musical processing of the crisis in Europe, which began on February 22nd, 2022.


Audiovisual work to the music NODAL by Horacio Vaggione


70. Bremer Hausmusikwoche, Institut Francais Bremen

Aesthetically, the animation RÉFLEXIONS shows different forms of connections. The work is inspired by Horacio Vaggione's composition NODAL from 1997.

Format: Quicktime Animation, Full HD 1080p.

Equipment: Apple Motion and Final Cut Pro X


Audiovisual fotophony in three parts.


Image & Resonance IV, 27. 05. 2016, Mar de Plata (Argentinia), Foundation Destellos, Cycle of Electroacoustic Visual Music. Instruments: Nylon Guitars, Steelstrings, Rainmaker, Voice, Accordion, Snaredrum and Small Percussions. Equipment: Neumann Microphones, Nikon DSLR, Ableton Push and Korg PadKontrol. Ableton Live, Max4Live, Logic Pro, Final Cut Pro


Five elementary works, part 1


2018, Christoph und Stephan Kaske Stiftung & der NMZ

Instruments: Prepared Piano with granular sampling. Equipment: Neumann Microphones (Piano recording) and iPhone 8 (Video recordings), Ableton Live, Max4Live, Logic Pro, Final Cut Pro

Concept based on the random principle:

This is a iPhone slow motion recording of raindrops in a pan. Everything is a coincidence, (also coincidence: it was raining in the middle of the summertime climatic disaster!). In the visuals a little color makeup for the look. Overall, it was a spontan work just inspired by the musical sound of refreshing drops on old metal...

Missing Drops is a part of the multimedia project
"Let´s worry about"

iPad improvisation

Sound designs and experimental studies with the Bit Shape TC-11 on iPad2, 2013. Sound design / creation of two own presets with one and two oscillators. Then a rehearsed improvisation, simply filmed at a 90 degree angle. Thanks to Kevin Schlei (Bit Shape) for the constant further development of this innovative IOS synthesizer, which exploits the possibilities of the iPad excellently.

Fullscreen version


Collaps3 (2024, HfK Bremen klangpol 3d~)

Two Minutes There (2024, 12 Parts at the abk)

Bossa Velo (WFB Wettbewerb, Filmfest Bremen 2024)

Micro Reflections I & II (2023)

4tel Collage (WFB Wettbewerb, Filmfest Bremen 2023)

Lunaris (2023, Premiere: NOIeS! elektroakustisches Konzert, JukeBoxx competition 2024)

Dialog 22 02 20 22 (2022 coop with Reinhart Hammerschmidt)

Coppice (2022)

Quiet Noises (2022)

One Touch (2021)

Scarlattis Winter (2021)

Pandemie pour le piano (2020)

One Minute Here (ABK, 2020)

Try to play... Grand (2020)

3 kleine Optionen für Klavier und Kamera (2020)

Let´s worry about... covid21 Part 1-4 (2021)

Reflexions (2019, music: Horacio Vaggione, premiere 70. HMW, Institut Francais Bremen)

Missing Drops (2018)

Wasserwerk (New Music Award, Chr. u. St. Kaske Stiftung/NMZ, 2018)

Gran Reverso (2018, LP coop. with Jasper van´t Hof / Toto Blanke)

Frequency (2018, Analog Synthesis Experiments 1)

Fin (2017)

SOLAR WINDS (2015 - 2017, coop. Elizabeth Anderson, presentation 68. HMW, HfK Bremen)

Während die Zeit vergeht (2016)

Electric Circle (2016, LP coop. with Jasper van´t Hof / Toto Blanke)

Sans Souci (Presentation: Foundation Destellos, 2016)

Streich für Kreuzspinne und Stubenfliege (2013)

Quintessenz (2013)

Five Aerodys (Presentation: Space Attack II, Bremer Hausmusikwoche, KITO, 2013)

Touch points (Bitshape, 2013)

The worlds finest (2012)

Post humanity survival (Presentation: Signes de Nuit Paris, 2012)

This is not a war game (2012)

Der tägliche Wahn (2012)

Café in relation to my troubles (2012)

3 Movements (2012)

Radio activity (Presentation: Foundation Destellos, 2011)

The other side (2010)

Loverloops (2010)

Hamburg Loops (2010)

Rendevous (2010)

Opulent sphaere (2010) 

Dao, loop of life (2010)

Fluid (2010)

Schmerz II (2010)

Homage à Willy Lucas (2010)

Schmerz (musique&recherches, 2009)

Money Variations (2009)

Corks (2009)

Feuille-Ton (IMEB Synthèse F-Bourges, 2008)

Neuland (2008)

Lost in Space (2007)

Die Welt ist aus den Fugen (2007)

Kube (2007)

Work in Progress (Award IFCT Festival USA, 2007)

A Self-Portrait (2007)

True Romance (2007)

Eternal Circle (2007)

Der Tod und das Mädchen (2006)

Monopolymono (2006)

Alles Theater (2006 / 2009)

Haubilder (2006)

Schrittweise (2006)

Der Biker (Presentation: Nidersachsen Landtag, Medienhaus Hannover, 2005)